Subject: PPC+20: Lady of the Fellowship
Posted on: 2022-02-15 12:42:27 UTC

(Precise date uncertain)

Once they got starting, Jay and Acacia clearly saw no reason to slow down. Probably in the same week as "Chosen", they released their THIRD mission:

Lady of the Fellowship

As before, I'd like to invite you to read along with PPC+20, and experience the early days of the Protectors of the Plot Continuum in real time.

The badfic for this mission is lost - it was lost early, so early that Jay and Acacia's own records say "Author forgotten - story taken down". But more exciting than badfic is Jay's invitation in her A/N:

And if you want to write your own PPC... go for it! Boldly! It'd be great if it became a tradition.

It would not be long before people took her up on the offer.


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