Subject: re: Lady of the Fellowship+20
Posted on: 2022-02-17 14:53:06 UTC

Ah, there's the [BEEP]! And with a lot fewer "E"s than we tend to give it nowadays. Pretty clear why this got changed: agents can easily sleep through a flashing light, but a loud noise is much harder to ignore for any non-deaf agents!

I didn't recall "Joan" getting mentioned here. She must not have gone on to do any PPC writing herself, and therefore didn't get the canonization treatment Architeuthis did. Still . . . I like to think there's a veteran spy named Joan somewhere in Intelligence . . .

The disguise generator gag is great, and they really commit to it throughput the mission, not only using it as an excuse to dress up as Ringwraiths for the assassination, but keeping track of the fact that the agents were mostly limited to verbal communication, and any motions that the hoods could communicate, once the cloaks were recovered.

They really were kind of mean to Makes-Things back then, huh? Partly because they were presenting Jay and Acacia as wacky, unhinged assassins, but yeah . . . I'm glad Makes-Things grew to be less timid over the years.

The funniest line for sure is in the ending notes: "We no longer have a famine of suggestions . . ." Partly because it's fantastic word choice, and partly because we never would again.


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