Subject: This one's a classic.
Posted on: 2022-02-15 12:53:44 UTC

We've got our first [BEEEP]! Hilariously, it's supposed to only be for urgent messages, so I guess the Flowers have just been slamming the panic button ever since.

I admire the fact that they were willing to shake up the format with the disguises so quickly. I would've expected several different actual disguises before they broke the generator, but this is mission 3!

We also see the first appearance of Makes-Things - a cowed young man, for all we've kind of kicked that characterisation to the side since - and the invisible yarn. I love the invisible yarn. ^_^

And the mission really crystalizes that the agents don't take on Suvians head to head. Why bother? Just be sneaky, it's easier. (Though admittedly Acacia does apparently solo the entire Fellowship, and implies she could have killed them if she'd been allowed. Maybe she was just boasting.)


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