Subject: Link + Highlighting a section
Posted on: 2022-03-07 00:32:55 UTC

Here is the link.

In case you can't visit the link, below is the secotion in question:

Can I publish fan fiction or other books or material based on Tolkien’s works?

The Tolkien Estate has a duty to protect the integrity of Tolkien’s original writings and artworks and takes copyright very seriously. This means that you cannot copy any part of Tolkien’s writings or images, nor can you create materials which refer to the characters, stories, places, events or other elements contained in any of Tolkien’s works.

(Emphasis mine)

The FAQ is vague and means several things (including names written in Elvish, by the looks of it) are now illegal (I think? Andaccording to this, anyways), most notably TOS.

I have no real say in this, not knowing Tolkien's works real well, so I'll stay out of the conversation from here on out.

Disclaimer: I am not a laywer. I am basing what I've written from what I know and have interpreted. Please do not take my word as legal advice.


(Edit: tagged as Serious Buisness)

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