Subject: To me, the “publishing” reads like for-profit publishing?
Posted on: 2022-03-07 01:05:40 UTC

Which I think at least in US law means a fic freely accessible on a place like AO3 would still be protected by fair use for the purposes of parody. But IANAL. This FAQ just reads like a standard “well of course you can’t publish your own version of LotR to make money” thing which you would sorta expect from big copyright holders like The Mouse Corporation — we know they’re very litigious and yet that hasn’t quarantined the MCU from missions.

To be honest, I’m not sure why people would expect the Tolkien estate to say ‘sure you can publish stuff set in our sandbox’? That statement is to deter people from publishing books for sale using stuff from M-e, not fanfic writers on AO3.

(Sorry if that sounds patronising. I don’t mean to make it sound like that, I just think this is a bit mountain out of molehill-ing the situation. Unless Tolkien Estate is rolling out C&Ds to everyone who’s ever written Gimli/Legolas smut or something, we really shouldn’t worry too much about it.)

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