Subject: A new bit
Posted on: 2023-07-18 15:25:40 UTC

And the old bit, with an alt or two.

The Din-Mob Who Did Go On and On
An Old Saw of the PPC a la “Dun Gin and a Rag Inn”

“Add a go to the lot.” At her job-box, Jay sat a bit aft-way and did nod at a red nib as it lit and got dim. “A try by a bad one to put the Way of the Old Saw wry.”

Acy was sad. “Is the Law so bad? Why do all try to put it wry?” She did not let Jay say, but did add: “The old saw is...?”

The God of the Os.” The jaw and eye of Jay had a tic as if to say ow. “It is one of a lot to try to get the fic of J.R.R. to die. It is... a Sue.”

Acy was sad. “It is so a lot. The kin of the Sue is...? And how did she put the Law wry?”

“The kin of Men. She did go out of Sod by hex, and her din-mob, too. No duh, she is to be in the Pal-Pod of the O... and you mon dig the bit I say now. On the haw paw, she has the eye of Boz, but on the gee paw, she has her fun of Elm-bud.” Jay did tip her eye at her pal, her yen for Acy not to be too mad.

Acy was mad. “Let me see the bit.” She got Jay to get up, no ear for Jay to get a say. Acy did paw nub, nub, nub in no way Jay did ken, and had her eye on the job-box as if she had a yen to fry the bad bit off it by the vim of her eye, and did get up. “So, let us go!”

Jay did tap a bit on the job-box, and got an odd hum of it. No big wow, but the air lit and did get an odd in-out way in it. “Let us go, AC!” She did use the wee-nom ill in the ear of her pal.

Acy did say low, “Do not say me so,” but did go in the in-out, zip in her leg. Jay did go, too.

As Jay put her toe out of the in-out, the job get-up of her yen was put on her. As an Orc she was a big wow in the eye of all, by her own say-so. She did get a big ink-hue bow off her arm-top, and did try the gut, and did add up the far-jab in her kit. Too, she got her CAD (the one for an OC) and set it. “I’m all set, Acy. You?”

Acy did tip her eye to and fro. It was oft a bit ew to be in a lot got of a pen-job by one not her. A lot ew if the Law was put so wry by a Sue and—she saw by her own CAD—Law-kin who did not act of the Law. She got a far-jab out of her own kit. She did try the air of it and put the tip to her maw for a wee sup. By the air and sup—bad—she did ken it had ill-oil on it. Yay in her eye, she re-put the far-jab in her kit. “All set.”

The two had got to Cut-Pit—the a.m. was lit by it, a joy to the eye. Acy led the way, Jay aft of her, and the two did go in the big Elf-den.

I add a say or a few on the fic:

  • Din-Mob - I say "mob" for the foe of the fic. A rad one you may say is a din-pod or hum-pod.
  • "Go" not "Jog" - For the pun! "Go on" can be jog or yak.
  • Old Saw of the PPC - It is one, in my eye, and it is not bad to be so.
  • "Haw" and "Gee" - As you say to an ice dog.
  • The wee-nom, AC - I am not set on it. Is the bit fun, or not?

You can say on it as you see fit, too. {= D
