Subject: Ooh, it's a big bit!
Posted on: 2023-07-21 05:09:52 UTC

It IS fun. I dig it! It is of the new way in my eye, but the old way in my ear, if you get me. {= )

It's too big for me to say on it all, but:

  • sun-hue - Yes, it's how I'd say it. It is why I wot of "rue-hue" to be the dim one. See too: "tin-hue" vs "ash-hue."
  • On sun I add - How do we pen of the two not-sun in the sky of eve? May it be one dim sun, a lot of wee sun? Wax-hue orb (but oft it is not an O, but a D or a C, soo...) and, IDK, lit dot? Meh! The two vex me—at max as I go to pen of the Elf I say is Dam Top-gal (the get of Sir El as are Wee El 1 and 2, you ken). "Top-gal aka Wee-Sun-of-the-Eve" is bad bad bad. {X D Eve-dot? El-of-the-Eve? Bah! I let it go for now.
  • dun - It is new to me! How rad! So: a fam may get a den in a hut in a dun, and an inn may be in a big dun, but an inn is not the den of any but the inn-man, yes?
  • Mr Bug of Bag - It got a yuk (as in "ha-ha") of me. ^_^ (For the other yuk, can it be "ick"?)
  • Nog - Fab!

I did add to "Din-Mob," by the way, but I sit on it for now, to see if I dig it as of sun-up.


PS: If to-day may be, so too aft-day and fro-day? And to-eve, aft-eve, fro-eve?

PPS: I hum on Cob-lot (a rad cob vs a bad nag, you see?) and Bee-ale Hut or Sun-hue Hut, den of Den the Rex, Mer, Wyn, and Gri Asp-lip. I got a big yuk to wit of Wyn, her aka "Sad-hat." It is not apt, but... Sad-hat. ^_^ To be apt, it may be... Hid-pal?

Oh, and I see "fax" is a rad old pen-bit for the mop of a cob (or a Man); I say use it for the fab cob of Elf-rod: Ash-fax. Yes? {= ) Or Tin-fax, Dim-fax... but meh, I dig the din of Ash-fax.

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