Subject: "Din-Mob" Bit Two
Posted on: 2023-07-22 15:54:48 UTC

A low-key zap let Jay ken the Law was a pal to the two. It hid any of the PPC who did go to aid it.

Jay did tip her paw at a see-out. In the hut was a low yak.

Top-gal the Elf was in the hut. She did yak to two-and-one Men not at all of the Law. “I mon go and get set for the big sup to-eve. I mon aid you to get set, too, Dam Win-bay. The sew-gal mon get you thy rig in the arn.”

One of the Men, the one gal, did not get it. “Rig?”

The lip of Top-gal did tip up, but her eye was wan. “Yes, you may not go in thy rag. A rig is the way. Col and Jef mon don a gi, you bet. So, til to-eve.”

Jay got a sip of air. “It... it is not the way... it is not the way of Top-gal to act so... why put the tit in a rig?”

“And why gi for the men?” Acy did add. “No elf-man did don a gi in the fic I saw. Yet, it is a nil sum if Top-gal did not act so; we’d not be on the job if the Law was not wry.”

Jay had ow in her eye, and got Acy to be not by the see-out. “By any say to get in a lit rig...” Her eye did tic as she saw how it was to be. “Oh, by the Dam God... Top-gal mon fix up her mop in a bit!” Jay got her CAD, and (tho sad) did go aft to the see-out. The CAD lit as if sad, and did say:

[Jef. Man of Men. Not of the Law. A bit.] Jay put it to Man Two:

[Col. Man of Men. Not of the Law. A bit.]

And... to the gal. She was set to see the CAD lit red and mad.

[Win-bay. Gal of Men. Not of the Law. A Sue!]

Acy let out air. “My yen is to get the gal to die and go. To get all the OCs is no fun.” She got by the see-out and did tip her own CAD—not as the CAD of Jay—at Top-gal.

[Top-gal El of the Eve. Elf Gal. Of the Law. Out of the Law by 49.72%.]

The two hid in the dim.

On a few pen-bits:

  • see-out - It is not so rad. Got a wit on it?
  • Dam - As "Sir" for a gal.
  • Win-bay - Way One was Win-hat, but I wot of "bay," and it is ace! "Bay" and not "Win-" is OK, too, yet I dig Win-bay the max. See why!
  • arn - To say "six-by-ten min." I got it of the TV pic Far-Go-See. A fab cop? >.>
  • "rig" and "gi" - Eh. I try.
  • El of the Eve - The din of it is not too bad, at min?


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