oh okay, i guess it was just unfortunate that I got linked to this post then :].
(extra remarks. tldr at the end.)
although, i understand that you don't see anything technically wrong with linking an author's work without their permission, I would appreciate if your members would refrain from interacting with my stories in this way from now on. i never posted on ao3 with the intent of getting the attention of "critics" or anything of the sort, and writing is very much a way for me to destress.
i truly don't believe that my work trivialized ptsd in any way. every scene where kirito was mentioning "self-care" as away to cope was clearly presented as sarcasm. (though, i also understand that the point of sarcasm is that not everyone will get it. but alsooo i had it read by a few friends and they caught onto it without needing me to explain. so. yeah.) from my own experience and some of my friends', it is common for people going through therapy (especially teens) to sort of internally ridicule their therapist since they don't have a source to direct their anger at. in other words, they are frustrated with the pain of what happened to them, and may subconsciously take out their anger on someone with good intentions. i repeat, i was not "unfortunately trivializing pstd" in any way. any. please don't interact with my work anymore. (i rly don't know how not to sound mean bro I'm strugglinnnn TT-TT)
i myself struggle with pstd a lot due some intense childhood experiences. i didn't mention it in any of my previous messages as to not make my apology seem disingenuous in case this misunderstanding of my intentions truly hurt finnfinn, but it is hurtful as well to be accused of something like this out of the blue. i fully believe you have the right to have any opinion on my works, be it good or bad, but, in all due respect, I really would prefer if my account wasn't attached to a community such as yours. again, with all due respect, i rly can't condone a community that cares so much about what angst kids are writing online for their favorite anime. be it me or anyone else. i do not want to be attached in any way to this stuff.
as I've previously stated, i am fairly new to sharing my work online and was not aware that it was common practice for fellow users to give unsolicited critiques of each other's writing. i understand that you believe this community is "obscure" enough to not reach the authors, but the fact that i was contacted by someone after this post was made is proof that it very much isn't. people see this posts and some of them may have bad intentions after reading them. (or, in the heat of the moment, think they are "correcting someone who trivializes pstd", and write a smth hurtful in their comment section.) it happens, and i just wanna make sure it doesn't happen to me.
i do not believe any of you have bad intentions, but just to avoid my works one day receiving the attention of people i didn't want it to, please don't link my works anymore. i don't mind if people talk about them on discord or other social media, but please don't directly showcase or link my account to it. (especially if it's after accusing me of something heinous, thank youuuuu :])
tldr; pls don't attach my fics to ur works. i don't want attention from this type of community. (tone indicator: I'm not trying to seem mean or anything, but i just rly want to be able to chill while i write without stressing out about who's gonna get my stories shared to them and what context they'll be given. thxxxx.)