Subject: I see.
Posted on: 2024-04-25 21:04:50 UTC

It's understandable that you wouldn't know how we work, especially given that you were sent here by a malicious troll who vastly mischaracterized us. If you are interested in how we do things, I would suggest you follow the links Nesh has provided. Again, thank you for being so cordial.

As for fanfiction critique circles... the PPC isn't the only one. I am part of the MST website The Asylum Riffs and I occasionally frequent Das Sporking. Fanfiction critiquing groups are pretty niche, and none of the ones I mentioned allow or facilitate harassment (though this is not to say that that has never resulted from any similar fanfic critique groups). Many of us here enjoy writing and critiquing each other's fanfics. I would posit that there's nothing wrong with giving an in-depth review of fanfiction or any other small, individual work, like a self-published novel. It can be entertaining to discuss bad works among friends, which is what our goal is, never to harass or blame an author for the flaws in their works.


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