Subject: Additional two cents.
Posted on: 2024-04-25 13:01:43 UTC

Hello! Not meaning to pile on, I've just been following the conversation and felt I had something to add. My words are meant kindly.

First, sorry once again that you were targeted by some rando who wanted to scare you. We're interested only in discussing fanfiction and have zero interest in anyone's personal information. If we found out one of our members was actually harassing anyone, they would be kicked out immediately.

Second, we seem to have a difference in philosophy about what it means to post a story publicly online. I don't know when exactly people started getting the idea that fanfiction should never be critiqued at all, but personally (and I think I speak for many of us here), I have always found critique-free comments unsatisfying. That doesn't mean I love negative feedback, no one does, but I'm not perfect and my writing will never hit anyone exactly the same as anyone else, so if nobody finds anything to say about it other than "great job," I feel like no one was really paying attention. And if I share a piece with the world, you bet I was hoping at least one person would pay attention. {= )

I'm sorry you didn't realize that posting publicly meant anyone could read and comment on your work in any way, but that's the reality. If you truly don't want anyone to critically read or comment about your stories, I suggest sincerely that you find a private writing community that has explicit rules about how readers may interact with works. I'm afraid I don't know any because, well, see above, but I'm sure they exist. That will keep you sheltered from trolls like whoever linked you here, too.

Seconding what the others said, we in fact have a policy against harassing authors (or anyone else), so we're highly unlikely to look at anything of yours again ourselves, but since other people do post with the hope of critical feedback, and interact with other stories the same way, please consider an alternative to a public platform like AO3.

Take care!


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