Subject: I get where you're coming from, but...
Posted on: 2024-04-25 10:28:57 UTC

... as much as you have the freedom to share fanfiction, others have the freedom to discuss and critique it if they so choose.

I believe you that you meant no ill and I, once again, encourage you to keep writing. It's a fun, creative outlet. However, by posting your work online, you make an implicit statement about it. That statement being that you deem it good enough for others to consume it, be it a story, a picture or something else entirely. Hence, you open that work up for criticism and not all of it will be good. In this case, my impression of the fic - NOT its author - was a bad one, I shared it and I stand by it. This will not change in the future.

Again, you don't have to convince me that you didn't mean any harm. I fully believe you. And I find it admirable that you came here to explain your intentions, even after someone claimed that evil trolls have emerged to claim you.

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