Subject: An arrangement of flowers:
Posted on: 2024-12-06 01:36:26 UTC
Wobbles the Clown: A daisy. Specifically, a big plastic daisy that squirts water out of the middle. It's a cheap gag, and a fake flower, but it's to make children laugh.
The Notary: A Moonlight Bloom. It's a Gallifreyan flower with silver petals - which fits her colour scheme - but was also used to symbolise cowardice during the Time War.
Doktor Trollenfisch: A neon-pink chrysanthemum bought for three quid a bunch from a petrol station. He doesn't care where you're from, only that you're happy.
Gabrielle: A white rose. She's a hopeless romantic, chronically unsure of herself, and not as delicate as she thinks she is. She's also healing.
Algernon, 7th Earl Wymbourne: A Madonna lily, Lilium candidum. In the Long Eighteenth Century, lilies were seen as symbols of purity and innocence; while his innocence, and that of his son, was taken by a Suvian posing as his wife, he has not given up on her, nor upon his marriage.
Lola: Sidebells penstemon. Clusters of flowers fit a commander, and the bright blue represents her colours; they are also found growing around Cheyenne Mountain, where the base of XCOM is located in her home fic.