Subject: Thanks!
Posted on: 2024-12-16 02:21:33 UTC

I got the timing a bit wrong for comments, but I'm glad people are reading it!

I think Psychonauts would be a good complement to a lot of universes; it's great fun to imagine inner worlds of people. I don't know anything about Omori, but a shallow Wikipedia look indicates that yeah, it could certainly work with that... Psychonauts has depicted a huge variety of mental issues, but there's always an underlying sense of hope. With the right approach you can work through anything. All mindscapes are unique to the person and it opens up to a lot of creative interpretations of mental concepts. (Also it's mostly extremely literal, the weeping hatbox in Blank's mind is literally a piece of Emotional Baggage.)

Thank you for your kind words! This story got long and experimental, but I'm so glad that the PPC is a universe where those things can work!

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