Subject: Hey, I’m extremely honored to be a target audience!
Posted on: 2024-12-17 03:47:17 UTC

Fair point about anchors! I’m not much of a boat guy, so I was thinking of anchors more as a hindrance than a tool, but you’re right: the ice is the much bigger threat to a boat’s progress than the anchor. You out-metaphored me for sure!

Blast, I do remember the “Smaugsdottir” surname now! It is a very cool surname, despite the mental image of what Smaug must have done with some middle-Earth lady . . . Glad to hear Blessie and Vidja will appear eventually, but that (and Neshomeh’s comment, taunting me!) only makes the mysterious “Forrest and Trixter” even more mysterious!

Thank you for replying!
—doctorlit has more experience with roller blades than with boats

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