Subject: Woo, you read it! (maybe spoilers for the interlude?)
Posted on: 2024-12-16 03:08:51 UTC

Not gonna lie, I knew that you were the most likely person to fully appreciate the details. XD (Is it wrong to write a 20K words introspective story about the mental state of one of your main characters, knowing that the target audience is likely to be just one person? I don't care, I did it anway. I had fun.)

Psychonauts is so fun, all the levels are unique and represent the minds of characters that are working through something. Some minds are more stable than others, but there's always such creativity and imagination with every level. I really wanted to capture that!

Clearing something up: Zit was Blank's anchor, but an anchor does not stop a ship from moving forward. An anchor stops a ship from drifting. That's a necessary thing for a ship to have. (The Yankee flag at the top of the ship is actually signalling this when Moira's talking to Yellow; this pattern means that the ship is dragging its anchor. The anchor is not attached to the seafloor, so the ship is a danger to itself and to others.) In my mind, the ice represents Zit's death. The crewmembers (Pink, Yellow and Blue, but also including the Figurehead as an extension of the ship itself) represent different stages of grief directly relating to his death. Blank's mental world was always the pirate ship, it just looked a little different before he died... Obviously it wasn't frozen in ice, but I also imagine it looked more like a proper seafaring vessel, y'know?

Yeah, I also hate that Blank was right... I hate that this was how it happened. It was really nice writing Zit, even the memory of him was such a comforting presence. And yes, that wraith did seem familiar. Foreshadowing is a literary device--

Blessie and Vidja have not appeared yet, this is true! I have plans for them. Forrest and Trixter are last names, so who knows who they are! (I mean, I do. I know everything. Well, most things.) Fun fact: Blessie has a canonical last name, it's even mentioned in the Musical! She was Pyralis Smaugsdottir before she was an MSTW. =) This is not something I expect anyone to remember, I think she's the only one I gave a last name to back then... And "Blessie Smaugsdottir" kind of low-key rules, so I'm letting her keep it.

Thanks for catching the error, and for reading, and for the lovely comment! It pumps up the energy to write more. =D

/Ekwy, feeling festive

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