Subject: Narrative laws of pointing and laughing?
Posted on: 2011-06-29 22:57:00 UTC

She raised an eyebrow at the tree remark, but since what he said was no more than the truth she nodded and let it pass at that.

"The warning is duly noted," she replied. "I appreciate that you probably didn't have much time for little kids in your life. I'm not worried about it, though." She smiled and patted his hands. They practically told her everything she needed to know about him without words: strong, rough, and scarred, yet she'd seen their proficiency with a bandage, too.

She followed his glance at the ceiling, perhaps sensing the Laws of Narrative lurking. The bar seemed to have gotten quieter, which would generally herald somebody unfortunate walking in, or a fight breaking out, or something else descending on them to ruin the moment, but a glance around the room revealed nothing.

"The Ironic Overpower is thumbing its nose at us," she remarked, rolling her eyes. "Bugger if I know what to do about it, either. No topic is really safe. And, if I'm being honest, I've had Nume's accusation of snaring and clutches buzzing in my ear. I see where he gets it, so I'm trying to sort of sit back and not steer too much to prove him wrong. Is that lame?" She glanced sidelong at Suicide with a wry grin. It wouldn't have surprised her if that particular personage had been the one to walk in on them, if such had been the will of the Ironic Overpower. Not one bit.

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