Subject: War stories.
Posted on: 2011-07-01 19:59:00 UTC

Suicide nodded as Jenni spoke, trying to picture it all. The idea of being trapped in a few rooms, just waiting for the Sues and giant monster viruses to break in . . . you wouldn't catch him saying it, but the thought was eerie. He'd never been in a battle that didn't end in a charge, and waiting for the enemy to break in and kill you gave him chills. Jenni was hard for him to read, but the fact that she hadn't been able to do much in that situation either seemed to be eating at her. There was the slightest waver in her voice when she mentioned Bogglish and Pablum.

"A month-long siege," he said finally, when Jenni paused. "What a mess." He briefly considered saying 'I wish I'd been there,' but everyone would know it was a lie. One agent wouldn't have made much of a difference, especially in a rats-in-a-trap situation like that.

The thought was so distracting that it took Suicide a minute to catch up with the last thing Jenni had said. Then his brain grabbed him by the collar of his uniform, gave him a good shake, and painted the words 'extrasensory abilities' in bright red across his cerebral cortex. Normally not fazed by bizarre things (between the Dutch-speaking Elf, the living microwave and all), Suicide seriously objected to having someone reading the kind of thoughts he'd been entertaining since Jenni had started playing with his hair that day in FicPsych.

"Extrasensory abilities," he said. "Fair enough. Bartender--tinfoil hat, please?"

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