Subject: Play that same song again.
Posted on: 2011-07-01 03:44:00 UTC

That seemed to be a cue to let the subject go. Volumes yet could be spoken on Jenni's part, but not at the expense of sending her date OOC! "We surely can't have that. Especially not with my boss' secretary hanging around." What a sentient shade of blue could even find to do in a bar, she had no idea. Maybe just soaking up the atmosphere? Anyway, she grinned. "If you're really worried I bet we could bum a CAD off somebody, though."

As for herself, she wrestled briefly with just saying to hell with the enigmatic crap she was perpetrating, but by this time keeping certain secrets was a deeply ingrained habit, not easily shed. Anyway, if there had been a moment for it, it was past now. She followed Suicide's example and drained her own drink with finality.

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