Subject: War is hell.
Posted on: 2011-07-01 22:04:00 UTC

Suicide's numerous mental voices made a return, this time conjuring up a memory of Dienekes cuffing him hard in the back of the head for passing comments about one of the Peers' wives. "Don't be an ass to a citizen," was all his master had said. Judging by Jenni's reaction he had just violated Dienekes' rule, though he wasn't quite sure how.

But now the story had changed, from defense to offense, and he couldn't help paying attention. "Wait, wait, wait," he said, holding up one hand. "Stop the messenger. No, shoot the messenger. There's an alternate universe PPC? Where there's evil versions of us?"

Suicide shook his head, flabbergasted by the thought. What the hell would an evil AU version of himself be like, anyway? A character who didn't commit patricide, or maybe fought for Xerxes? Someone who worked for the [expletive deleted]ing Sues, too. That was a downright creepy thought, and he didn't care if Jenni heard it.

"And it took Daleks to fix everything?" Suicide added after a moment, still clearly trying to process it. "I would think I'd hallucinated this conversation, but I don't see any nine-foot-tall Persians in ugly costumes." He rubbed the back of his head, which was still tender even after several days: when Archir hit people with trees, he didn't mess around. "Granted, I never did make any claims of being in my right mind even without hallucinations, but that . . ." Another headshake. "If you walked into a meeting with a gods-damned pegacorn Sue, you must've been really desperate."

That took guts, he had to admit.

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