Subject: Need to know.
Posted on: 2011-07-01 17:48:00 UTC

"Ran away, you mean? Let's leave it at that," Suicide responded, though without animosity. The bartender had put a little umbrella in his drink for some reason, and it was beginning to char slightly. "Easier on the scumble next time," he said to Dorf as he picked the umbrella out.

"'08 was a year for plagues, then. Dio and I missed Corrupted Blood, but we were on the ground floor Azeroth's Great Zombie Invasion," he continued after the poor abused umbrella had been disposed of. "All I know about what happened in HQ is what I heard from the Marquis, though, and that mainly consisted of 'do you know what I've been put through? Look at my petals! Look at my petals! I'm shedding everywhere, I swear I am! Macrovirus epidemics, Mary Sue invasions, and now it turns out two agents were hiding unregistered in a canon? You're going to give me Dutch Elm Disease! I ought to have you both dried and turned into tea!'" Suicide's imitation of the Marquis's psychic voice was about as accurate as a vocal imitation of thought-speech could be, although the Marquis probably wouldn't have followed it up with another snort of a laugh. "I didn't dare ask because he might've sent me back to Bad Slash. Seems there are fates worse than death."

He turned in his seat to face Jenni a little more head-on. "Enlighten me, would you? And does this have anything to do with Nume and his Bleepka problem?"

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