Subject: Good points all...
Posted on: 2009-09-04 10:41:00 UTC

However, on the Tolkien point, a) it was WWI, not WWII, I believe and b) I'm a equal fan of fantasies where good and evil are very distinct, but I also like stories where the lines are blurred to the point where you could show the story from the other side and still feel like you're supporting the good guys. I'm attempting to write a fic like that, actually. My hero from the first story (where good and evil was, with a few exceptions (i.e. when he went a bit insane), fairly defined, will make a lot of decisions that seem off. The army of the good guys will be shown to have far more prejudices that I show in the first fic, where they're generally better than humans. I'm considering having a spin-off from the point of the characters affected by my hero's actions.

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