Subject: Heh. Sorry.
Posted on: 2009-09-04 02:46:00 UTC

I didn't mean to come off as foaming-at-the-mouth enraged. I wasn't. Like hS said, I was more responding to the entire page/forum, the whole debate. It really, really, really irritates me when people take two-second fan-crazes and make them out like paragons of culture and talent. You'd get much the same rant with someone trying to compare Linkin Park with U2, or Fallout Boy with The Beatles, or Eminem with Jimi Hendrix, or, for that matter, Bono with Johann Sebastian Bach, or, as you've seen, Stephanie Meyer with William Shakespeare. And I tend to ramble on about subjects that irritate me-- because internet arguments so often turn into irrational flame wars and demonstrations of Godwin's Law, I prefer to try and make my point as clearly as possible. Repeat after me, now: wordiness does not make things clear. Quite the opposite. You cannot reason with tweeny idiots. High blood pressure is a bad way to die.

(Man, that's incredible. It would be -awesome- to study Old English. I hope someday I can, as well.)

Honestly, I didn't mean to say that you weren't giving Shakespeare enough credit. It's acceptable to not like him, and hypocritical to assume or demand that everyone should. Eating my words? No, no, I never have to do that. That's for the foolishly proud, dontchaknow?

The rant wasn't aimed at starting a fight with you. Believe it or not, I don't like or enjoy flame-wars, or angry arguments. I was just peeved after reading the whole Graphjam page, and kind of found myself with uncontrollabe word-vomit. I stand by what I said, but it wasn't aimed at you, and I'm sorry it... was aimed at you? By position, not intent.

I'm glad you've read, and liked, the Don't Panic series. It's on my top ten favorite fanfics list, and definitely the two of them meld together as my favorite LotR fanfic ever.

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