Subject: Interesting...
Posted on: 2009-09-01 16:12:00 UTC

Graphic wasn't very impressive; but then, I'm always wary of graphs that try to predict the future. I think the graph is true, though.

As for the discussion...
Well, I've never read J.R.R. Tolkien, unfortunately, and I haven't read Twilight or any Stephanie Meyer books (does she have others?) but I have read plenty of Shakespeare and Harry Potter. While I think Shakespeare is overrated, I have to agree that his stories are timeless and his insults the best. I love the Harry Potter series, and I do think it could become a timeless classic; perhaps not on the level of Shakespeare, but it will stick around for years to come. I think the whole Twilight craze is overrate, as well, but then i've only read two sentences of the book.

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