Subject: mostly, it's the yellow zones
Posted on: 2009-09-09 02:21:00 UTC

Basically, GDI really doesn't help the people who live in the yellow zones despite being reasonably capable of doing more or at least evacuating a number of them to the blue zones. The reclaiming of yellow zones is nice, but they don't even provide, say, gas masks. That sort of thing is why the militants say "The oppressors must die!"

They also show some recklessness and disregard for human life in terms of the research they conduct in Kane's Wrath. Experiments in liquid tiberium killed numerous researchers and weren't stopped until after nod blew up the facility. Likely the only reason they didn't restart it after that was that the destruction of the facility turned Australia into a red zone. Also, they were risking the Tacitus entirely more than was really acceptable. Experiments that have a 10% chance of causing it to explode each experiment are rather unwise.

As for Kane saving Earth from the Scrin, the key point is that he lured them to Earth early. The Scrin plan was to wait until no effective resistance remained on the planet, which usually occurred when someone detonated a liquid tiberium bomb. The Scrin came to earth and were totally destroyed, instead of waiting a while and arriving to find no resistance. Of course, the inbound invasion fleet might be an issue, but apparently Kane turned the Tacitus into a tiberium remote control or something like that prior to the start of the upcoming fourth game. We'll see how that plays out.

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