Subject: ... Calm down.
Posted on: 2009-09-03 05:42:00 UTC

I'm not going to have a fight with you. I have my opinions and I stand by them; I don't like it when people compare things because I think it creates more problems than solutions. That said, it's still just my opinion.

Sorry if I offended you, but I just don't enjoy Shakespeare's work as much as it's 'all hyped up to be' - I don't know why; I just don't. I've liked some of the film adaptations, and I'm certainly not against giving him the credit he's due, but his stories just aren't ones that I personally can sit down and enjoy.

(And no, it wasn't Old English - it was closer to Middle English. I studied Old English a few years ago and believe me, it is hard. I hated it, to be honest, but it was fascinating to see how English evolved - Shakespeare's influences included.)

Also, it seems I confused you - sorry about that. I was referring to the fanfic part of the LotR "craze", not the stories themselves. Reading back, I can see where I didn't make it clear. too bad these posts can't be edited.

And yes, I've read "Don't Panic" et cetera. I liked them.

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