Subject: I'll admit to being a huge slasher
Posted on: 2009-08-05 10:56:00 UTC

But I'm a lover of romance before I'm a lover of yaoi. I love canon het couples, and ship them with a burning. I'll admit I do prefer slash (both femme and male), I suppose because I find the dynamique a bit interesting, and it's not something I'm exposed to very often in RL. I can see het couples whenever I want. Also, I'll be honest. It's hot.

That said, I do write and ship het just as much as I do slash. Most of my RP pairings are het, I write both in fanfic, and I'll d'awwww over Sakura/Syaoran just as much as I do Touya/Yukito. So long as I can believe the pairing, I'll ship anything.

When it comes to the NC-17 stuff, I prefer slash to het. Maybe because I am more detatched from it, somehow. I don't know.

And so ends my ramble.

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