Subject: Re: OT: het vs slash
Posted on: 2009-08-04 07:38:00 UTC

I have a great problem whenever this question comes up because, in spite of the best efforts of our dear Pads, I just can't read slash without hitting the "back" button.

I have nothing against it - really, I would like to strangle the next person who accuses me of being a homophobe, because there is a DIFFERENCE between not approving of something and just not wanting to be a part of it - I liken it to the difference between knowing your parents had to have sex to concieve you and actually watching them do it. That's how I feel.

So as you can guess, I don't read slash in any form. I just side-step it. I can't say I understand why people write it, but neither can I understand why people write non-canon pairings - and yes, that question has been anwered for me several times by several people, so I get the theory, but I myself have never really been inclined towards any uncanonical pairings.

I think it has something to do with the way I percieve the original canon stories themselves; I see them as a cohesive whole, and if Character A 'originally' (ie, in canon) fell in love with Character B, then I feel like something major would have to change in their personality/characterisation for them to fall for someone else. This may, however, be related to the kinds of stories I read; I tend to go for more fairytale-like interpretations, too. I'm sure it doesn't help that, Dumbledore/Grindelwald aside, none of my main fandoms involve slash pairings of any sort.

I'm rambling now, but is it making sense? To answer your question directly, my own sexuality - as a woman attracted to men - basically controls the sorts of relationships I like to read about. I can't really understand(/internalise) why other people have other tastes, but that doesn't bother me in itself - I'm quite happy to live and let live.

It is an interesting phenomena, though, and I'll be more than interested to read everyone else's opinions.

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