Subject: distinctions
Posted on: 2009-08-05 04:18:00 UTC

I feel it may be time to point out, in response to a notion more than one people have hinted at subscribing to, that there is such a thing as Good Slash.

Some people, it seems (whether here or in IMs on the topic), object to the fact that slash pairings simply aren't canonical, or that in slash canonical pairings are disregarded, or even that to make a character non-straight is to make them wildly OOC. I invite all of these people to check the standard DBS charge list.

If slash is Good Slash, then canonical het pairings are acknowledged. If a canonical het pairing stands in the way of a slash pairing, then in Good Slash the het relationship will be dissolved via a well structured and well written plot, with all due care and respect paid to the source material. Given that the whole point of fanfiction is to alter aspects of canon, I see no problem here.

"But they're canonically straight" is one I'm not touching right now, because it's been done to death, and it's the insistence upon the heteronormative status quo inherent in that statement that, in part, drives me to slash.

And finally, the OOC thing. In Good Slash, the characters are not out of character. This is because Good Slash is, by definition, well written slash, and well written fic keeps the characters in character.

So, bearing all this in mind, and seconding Trojie's point that the Happy AU Where Everyone Is Gay is a great big cross on the "Bad" side of the equation, I can't see any reason for objection to slash pairings in fiction. If a fic's solely about the pairing, and that pairing's not your cup of tea, fair play, but some slash on the side, for the sake of realism? Who could object to that?

Oh, and while we're at it, is it time to borrow ffr's standard disclaimer: "Except in Torchwood"? Because anyone objecting to slash fic in that fandom is clearly not watching the same show as the rest of us.

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