Subject: It depends.
Posted on: 2009-08-04 00:52:00 UTC

I mainly stick to reading het fanfictions, just because most of the canonical pairings in my favorite book series are het. I don't mind original fiction slash, but I don't see much of it around, either. I really can't read slash fanfiction because, for some reason, I can't stand the thought of my favorite canonical pairings disappearing. The nausea I feel at the thought of a Draco/Hermione fic is the same amount I feel at the thought of a Draco/Harry fic. To me, once there is a canonical pairing, as stated or as written by the author, I think it should stay that way in fanfiction. At least in what I read, fanfiction wise. Yeah, the shipping wars are scary, but I don't join in them, if possible.
Hermione/Ron, Astoria/Draco, and Ginny/Harry FTW!
I understand the slash fanfics with characters who didn't have canonical pairings and sort of implied what type of pairing they would prefer. *coughUblazcough* Those I can stand, but they are few and far between.

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