Subject: I know the feeling.
Posted on: 2009-06-07 18:30:00 UTC

I also tend to fall victim to "someone else will handle it" syndrome and walk away without saying anything, mainly because I don't want to come off as that mean person who's always ready to criticize everything.

At the same time, though, I've been training myself for years to take concrit, and it has gotten to the point where I'm really frustrated when no one has anything to say on the subject of how I could improve. SPaG isn't good enough--anybody can make and fix those mistakes. I wanna hear about continuity, characterization, clarity, and anything else you can possibly think of in the meat of the story, whether it begins with a C or not.

Like hS, I'm not likely to go back and re-write something old, though I will make mechanical fixes if need be, but when I seek out betas, I really want someone who will rip into the thing and tell me what's what.

It has occurred to me that this sounds slightly masochistic, but it isn't. You see, this kind of concrit means that someone was really paying attention and cared enough to offer a critical analysis. That is a huge compliment.

So, there you have it.

~Neshomeh, who feels that she is talking a lot lately.

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