Subject: in defence of my art...
Posted on: 2009-06-07 14:28:00 UTC

There is sometimes only so much a beta can do.

Giving a long list of things that are wrong with a story tends to make people defensive. Pointing out huge problems in narrative style can be even worse, because it's so personal to the writer. With, say, Trojie or Sedri, I know they appreciate me ripping what they've written to shreds and picking on anything and everything, and I know they'll take it well. With people I don't know so well, a softer approach is needed, with more sort of guiding principles about things that don't need to be said or done in whatever way.

Then, of course, there have also been occasions when I've pointed out problems with agents' abilities or the writer's take on how canon would react to the badfic, and been utterly ignored. It's made even more difficult because I know how I would write the mission, but my way isn't necessarily the best way. When the writer's not listening, there comes a point where I simply throw my hands up in defeat, SPaG-beta the thing, and wash my hands of it.

At which point said author then goes and sticks my name at the top as a beta suggesting I've done an excellent job and the mission has my seal of approval. Which is frustrating as hell, because I'm aware quite a few people round here view me as a good beta.

As for giving concrit to writers with many missions written, IndeMaat - feel free in my case. The more the better, as far as I'm concerned.

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