Subject: "Um, okay."
Posted on: 2009-04-03 21:16:00 UTC

Jessie shook her head at Stormsong's brief description of Molly. "And no, we're not new. I've been here since 2001, and Luke-"

"I joined back in 1998," Luke said with another grin. For some reason he was in a rather good mood. He watched the others going about their business. "Um, yeah, probably a good idea to go find your friend. Jessie and I haven't run into our copies yet, though we killed one that looked remarkably like a friend of ours earlier."

Heading out into the corridor, he chuckled when Foxglove stabbed the dead Stu. "Hey, trust me, he's dead. Once I kill something, it doesn't come back." He rubbed at his eyepatch absently, looking up and down the corridor for enemies.

Jessie stamped on his foot as she passed him, ignoring his yelp of pain. "Ignore him, he's just got an ego the size of HQ." She jumped as the wall of the room they'd just left crashed inwards to reveal an urple copy of the fox guy, whose name she hadn't caught. "Um... should I - oh, looks like he's dealing with it. Never mind."

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