Subject: Pressing his back against the open door of an RC, Marcus
Posted on: 2009-04-04 11:29:00 UTC

looked around the corner to fire a shot at where he'd seen his double, trying to yell over the incredibly loud din of Zodfang's heavy bolter as it pounded the hell out of the EPCers' cover. There were very large chunks torn out of the walls where bolts had either gone stray or hit home with the intention of forcing the EPCers to keep their heads down, allowing Marcus to move up into his position and try to get closer to the trapped Agents.

"Ansela! Trojie! Are you alright?! Listen, just make your way over here, we'll try to keep them pinned down!" Marcus screamed, trying to make himself heard over the sheer volley of fire. The bolter was deafeningly loud, but he thought he saw his words register to the people he was talking to, though he couldn't be sure as he again fired at the EPCers, this time nearly hitting one who had stuck his neck out too far.

Alright, we're doing good, now as long as Zodfang doesn't run out of-




"Okay, these guys are starting to annoy me!" Mirror!Marcus snarled, slamming in another clip for his solid gold Colt .45 as the hulking beast that served as this multiverse's answer to Zodfang bellowed out to the world that he had run out of ammunition. Leaning out, he hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether to shoot at the Agents on the ground or the ones firing, but as he aimed his pistol at one of the prone female Agents, he almost lost his head again, causing him to duck back and look at the others. Somehow, aside from Zodfang's arm being grazed, none of them had been hurt, almost as if the sheer torrent of fire was more to keep their heads down than to kill them. Muttering several expletives, he fired around the corner.

They're MOCKING me!

"You lot're all right?" Marcus asked, again returning fire at his double. If they wanted to advance, fine, it would just give him the pleasure of wringing the life out of the fake Marcus with his own hands.

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