Subject: "Oh bother."
Posted on: 2009-04-03 01:35:00 UTC

Sue!Chase stepped out from the group of six wielding a ga'ould hand-device on one arm and grasping tight to an unusually shiny metal whip.

Of course, Chase rolled her eyes, she'd have the one weapon that could shield a zat blast.

Which meant Chase had to disable the device with her reaver axe; easier said than done. As she moved closer to her Suvian counterpart, she could see the pearly white teeth from the maniacal yet still mind-numbingly beautiful smile. It made Chase want to retch. With an almost unnoticed flick of Sue!Chase's wrist, the whip had cracked dangerously close, and Chase had to side-step to dodge the recoil. Sue!Chase aimed once more, but was concentrated on the recruit when she felt an object collide with the side of her head.

Akemi stood triumphant as the box of ginger snaps made their mark, and a dumbfounded gaze turned to the keyblade wielding recruit. Chase seized the opportunity and made a running start to slide straight towards Sue!Chase, ending in a power slide as she swung the axe.

The amputated arm fell to the floor, a clean cut, but Chase was unable to counter as the whip lashed around her neck, held by the remaining hand of her doppleganger.


Engaged in battle with her own Sue (which was odd, considering the difference between the two was perhaps longer hair, and well, the Sue did smell better), Akemi could see her partner struggling to gain an upper hand. Unfortunately, Sue!Akemi was a step ahead of Akemi with two keyblades. Every swing she could dodge was quickly followed by another and poor Akemi was being beaten back. It was when the Sue got cocky; she was trying to cast a spell, and Akemi swung with full force across the girl's neck. The lopped off head make a dull thud on the tile.

"Hold on, Chase, I'm almost there!"

But there was no need, Chase had fortunately gotten hold of her zat and shot her Sue once. The shot had affected her as well because of the whip and close proximity, but she managed to stay conscious enough to move farther away as she fired the fatal shot.

Trying to steady her breathing, Chase closed her eyes for a moment until she felt her partner's hand trying to pull her up.

"Focus! The other's might need help," Akemi shouted to drag Chase out of her dazed state.

"If they need help they'll ask," she replied, standing.

She aimed for the battalion of Sues and began to open fire. Akemi ran back towards the kitchen area to find something she could assault the group with.

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