Subject: Escape
Posted on: 2009-04-02 15:00:00 UTC

The door caved in, sending metal shrads flying in all directions, and a trio of Gary Stus stormed in. Their leader lowered his shotgun and looked around. The Response Centre was empty, its console locked down and floor covered with items the Agents had left behind. The lead Stu sniffed disdainfully.

"Cowards. Come on, we have... an undetermined number of RCs left to check." With that, the group turned around and left the RC, returning to their designated posts. Their Lords and Masters had decreed it, and their will would be done.

At the same time, six Agents tumbled through a glowing portal one after the other. As was usual in such scenarios, Alex was the first one through and was subsequently crushed by the other five.




"Well," Cal commented when everyone had gotten untangled and more or less recovered. "We seem to have escaped."

With perfect timing, a Stu ran towards the group, activating a lightsaber and shouting a warcry as he did so. He took an energy bolt to the face and promptly fell with a loud thump.

Chase looked from side to side, eyes widenning.

"Hang on...we're in the Cafeteria!"

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