Subject: I'm the one that found the things, and it took me months.
Posted on: 2008-12-07 01:27:00 UTC

I couldn't read more than a sentence or two at a time on the first go. That's not just Redtooth, that's my freakin' CHILDHOOD with the spear in its unmentionable parts. My baaaaaaaaaaabiiiiiiiiieeeees ... *sob*

(Still, we got two potential OCs to play with out of it. Molly and Moses rock.)

C*l*br**n, on the other hand, was just funny to me until they got to the bit with the wooden apple. I think it helped me discover my teeth-pulling squick. What about Little Miss Mary? The pedo upset me, but I was too busy laughing at the appallingly stilted dialogue to be too disturbed. Similarly with "For Your Eyes Only", except that time it was the bad biology distracting me from the rampant misogyny.

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