Subject: Doubtful, since she's been wandering wild for a year.
Posted on: 2008-12-07 02:22:00 UTC

But it gave me the opportunity for one of my favourite Foxglove lines; "Being a nice person doesn't mean you literally s*** rainbows". (Foxglove is the one who says all the things I wouldn't dare to say. Laburnum is the one who says all the things I'd be too smart to say - see the time she cussed out the angry wolverine leader of a vermin horde in front of his followers, who, had she not been rescued, would have done something very similar to certain events in TS to her. Would have been better written, but that's not much comfort when you're the centrepiece of the Musical Holes game.)

Even if she did, at least it wasn't made of wood. Poor, poor Redtooth. Must have nice thing happen to him in OFUR. Any ideas? Letting him get drunk and commiserate with Stormsong is first on the agenda.

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