Subject: Goodslash? Gimme.
Posted on: 2008-12-08 09:24:00 UTC

I want to read a good slashfic for once. It makes a nice change from all the crap floating around (I'm looking - and pointing a Scarab Gun at - you, Subjugation, with the 'defiling Monty Python' charge), so a link would be a Very Good Thing.

Oh, and I just read Among the Roses now. The prose in that one is very, very urple, and now I understand what that 'doesn't mean you s*** rainbows' line was about. Didn't know it was part of That Series (Forgot to reread the Wiki page, I just clicked on all of the links that had the series name) - damn, now my badfic reading record is a bit off. I did read the poem, it was just plain stupid. I called BS on that one - Biological Impossibility is very, very common in Uoikih fics, but that one's particular offense was absolutely moronic.

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