Subject: Not yet.
Posted on: 2008-10-23 04:33:00 UTC

I actually haven't even touched Eldest, since the first atrocity was enough to turn me off to the dude.

So far, though, I've looked at a few different reviews, and they seem to be either

1) This book was awesome, it was perfect, Paolini pulled off another hit and if you didn't like it, well, you're not the intended audience (BWAH? I'm not "too old" for it, I'm freakin' eighteen!) and should probably stick to your generation's classics and stop nitpicking. Or something.

2) This book wasn't a worthy conclusion of the first two, which were amazing, because of A) the plot was too slow and there was way too much filler, B) the pacing was weird (which amounts to the same thing, really), or C) What. The. Heck? I don't know what he did, but it was not nearly as good. He should've just taken a little longer and finished the series. [The general consensus seems to be that if he had too much for one book, he still didn't have enough for two, and should've just cut stuff to make it fit.]

3) Another disappointment by Paolini, I'm not sure why I picked this up after the first two, but it's basically more angsting, more whining, more Eragon-can-do-no-wrong hero worship, more self-insertion. Don't bother.

*shrug* That's what I've seen, anyway. I'll probably be towards the third camp.

(Does anyone know where I can find a good snarky synopsis of the first, or second books? I remember one Agent doing them, but haven't seen them in a while, and for some reason I'm thinking it was Nscangal, but that might've been 'cos she did the DaVinci Code... thing. 's like a cross between a review and an MST.)

Also, I can't be the only person who's waiting with bated breath for the day after Mr. Paolini finishes his book, and then stages a press release, saying "OH my GOD, I can't believe people actually bought that! Dude, I just lost a bet with my friend for $1,000! He told me people would buy the worst book I could put out as long as I threw enough fantasy into it, but I never would've believed him... Ah, well. Let me get on and see if I can write something for the real fantasy readers out there now, eh?" (seriously. I want something to redeem the homeschooled authors out there.)

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