Subject: *comes back from the dead to comment*
Posted on: 2008-10-21 23:46:00 UTC

Ugh. Don't get me started on Brisingr. I'm over 200 pages in, and absolutely NOTHING of importance has happened yet. I'm starting to think that it might just be another brick of filler material until Eragon finally kills off Galbwhatever in Book 4.

Mild spoilers below in the event anyone cares...

Paolini seems to have picked up on a few teenage trends, as there's a cutting scene and a furry. Well, okay, the cutting scene is a "test of strength" over who gets to lead the rebels, but it reminded me WAY TOO MUCH of the emo!Sue cutting her wrists in badfic... And the furry is an Elf guy who decided to take on the form of a wolf, or something to that effect. Apparently he gives off a scent that makes all the women in the vicinity want to mate with him. >.
And yeah, emo!Eragon. Good Lord. One minute he's angsting over how many people he's killed, then he mercilessly kills a soldier who's begging to be spared, then he angsts over that, then he kills some more people... Ugh. I'm rather pacifistic, so I'm in pain at those parts... >.

Good to be back on the Board, though. I need to remember to show up here more often... XD

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