Subject: M bad, I thought the series was older.
Posted on: 2008-10-25 02:21:00 UTC

Much older. They were published in 1968, and Australian copyright lasts for 50 years, unless special extensions are made. 50 years after the death of the author, that is.

In which case, this just adds another bad point to the crime. Unless he gained permission from Le Guin herself, he could eaisly be sued for it. Chances are that no-one else has made the connection, or Le Guin refuses to read the books.
Now that gives me a humerous mental picture of all the best Fantasy Authors sitting in a circle, discussing this and that. They look at the cover of 'Eragon', and decide to throw it in the fire. They all have British accents for some reason, though not all of them are British.

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