Subject: a few more ....
Posted on: 2008-08-11 01:29:00 UTC

I am a PPC Agent, not River Tam. My combat skills therefore DO have limits, and I DO need to practice to acquire skill with an unfamiliar weapon.
- However, just because she has incredible innate combat skills does not mean River Tam is a Sue.
- If she finds out you've been insinuating that she's a Sue, she'll take you to the forking cleaners, mate.

I may not kill Peter Pevensie and install Edmund as High King instead.
- No, not even if Edmund is the more sensible of the two and would therefore be a more suitable king.
- Peter isn't a Stu, honestly.
- I know he's irritating, but still.

On that note, I am not allowed to rip movieverse!Susan away from movieverse!Caspian at the end of 'Prince Caspian'
- Movieverse technically is a legitimate canon, okay?
- And the fact that her name is Susan does not make her a Sue.
-Ripping Susan away from Caspian and substituting Peter or Edmund, while tempting, is not allowed either.
- While we're at it, ripping Susan away from Caspian and substituting yourself is RIGHT OUT.

I am not allowed to take an MP3 player into fics in order to play 'Smack My Bitch Up' when I assassinate Sues
- Ditto 'Battle Without Honour or Humanity'
- Ditto 'Back in Black'
- I am not allowed to play any song when assassinating Sues. That's only one teeny step from having a theme-tune.

I am not allowed to hit Agent July in the head
- She gets concussed enough as it is by herself, she doesn't need help.
- If I have reason to need to stop her from doing something, I should hit her somewhere else instead.

I am not allowed to mention the Kraken from POTC in the hearing of Agent Trojie if I value my own ignorance of invertebrate anatomy.

I am not allowed to pit Jadis the White Witch against the Witch-King of Angmar.
- Not even if I think it would be a bitchin' fight scene.

Building Maintenance do not go armed and are not generally proficient with weaponry in any case. This does not mean I can irritate them at will, as they are EXTREMELY proficient with electricty and explosives and can collapse my RC on me if I piss them off.

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