Subject: It's this time again? Yay!
Posted on: 2008-08-11 01:03:00 UTC

  1. I will not lock Agent Stormsong in a small room with Agent Ansela and her bagpipes.

    702. I will not lock Agent Risa in a room filled with reptiles.
    -If I do I will take full responsibility for the resultant injuries

    703. Kira Izura from Bleach is not Kira from Death Note. Therefore I will refrain from tying him up and dumping him in L's room with a note saying 'I am Kira'.
    - Tying Kira up and kidnapping him for other reasons is also out.

    704. Setsuna F. Seiei is not Yagami Light, therefore I should stop asking him to use his Death Note to kill Sues with.

    705. Sentient Gundams do not belong in HQ. Especially not if they are Stus.

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