Subject: Account
Posted on: 2008-07-02 22:55:00 UTC

Name: MoggetsGurl

Profile: Im Melany and i think the so is the the best in the hole ppc and he hasnt found anyone yet becaus hes waiting for his lost luv the Raven Rose and thats what my storys about. and i have 17 stories for abhorsen on and u shoud all go look at them!

Books: the abhorsen books by garth nix (the parts with Mogget in!!!!11!), harry potter, twiligt
Music: Hannah Montana, the Jonas Brothers
Colors: black and silver and gold
Food: choclate, starbucks coffee

[[OOC: Yes, it's Melany the Mogget-luster from the Abhorsen OFU. It seemed silly to make up another fangirl character when I already had one. How can she be here and at the OFU at the same time? Um...this is a Melany from an alternate dimension where there are no OFUs, brought here by a rouge plothole (not to be confused with a rogue one).]]

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