Subject: Challenge accepted. ;)
Posted on: 2014-04-16 16:38:00 UTC

Mostly because, with so few stories, I could get to grips with them fairly quickly. Also, their shippy story suggested itself to me fairly quickly.

In The Field

A couple of notes:

-It occurred to me as I was writing this that HQ, and the PPC, probably have a bunch of terms for sexual orientation that don't - even couldn't - exist in the Real World. What do you call someone who is normally (say) male, but only experiences sexual attraction when in a disguise-generated female body? Or someone who likes to use disguises to alternate their physical sex on alternate days? Or... well, the two situations that show up in the story. So I invented slang terms (fake-Latigreek is beyond me). In that respect...
-'Mardy', in the real world, is a Northern English dialect word that roughly means 'grumpy'. I've co-opted it (and 'wrought') without regard for its original meaning.


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