Subject: Hmm. Flipside question.
Posted on: 2014-04-15 15:03:00 UTC

Morgan/Agent might be difficult - there's the Continuity Council, of course, and I think they met a couple of times during the Blackout? But it would still make for a very truncated story.

Agent/Dis, however, would totally work. They're close enough to have real moments you can go 'hey, what if they--?' about - just like J&A - and there's enough 'footage' (particularly if you include Tawaki's) to make it feasible. I may have to take a look at them.

I have to admit, writing 'Near Misses' has driven me very close to being a Byrdtree shipper. ;) And I'm fairly close to being convinced by 'Rejection', too. Which I guess is the point of a non-AU goodfic - you write something which could actually happen, and if you do it well enough, you (and maybe your readers) start believing maybe it did.


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