Subject: I understand this is a month late and off the front page...
Posted on: 2013-12-23 22:57:00 UTC

...but while I see the reasons people would want to take it on, and like I said a bit downthread I'd be willing to help out, I still don't think we should make a mission of this, for a few reasons.

First off, this was a poor job done by some (no offence to our younger members) dumb kids who abandoned the idea a couple months after starting it up anyway. Not to mention Neshomeh got the wikis taken down, so not only do we no longer have a reference for their "canon" but they effectively don't exist. Us making a big mission out of their, well, mission (more on that later) gives the plagiarised, low-effort work more attention and legitimacy than it deserves, and frankly it would also come off as needlessly retaliatory, like yelling at somebody after they've already left the room. Why treat it as a canonical thing when we can just shunt it out of existence like the Badfic Land stuff? Plus, we've already dissected the one PPS story in that google document, I'm not sure how much more a mission would add from an out-of-continuity perspective.

Secondly, it opens a lot of meta weirdness that I think would make the story more trouble than it's worth. In-continuity, do we treat the PPS as a real organisation? A bunch of misguided "PPC fans"? Psychos who killed a fic then wrote a story about it plagiarising Jay and Acacia? Do we kill the agents tackling the fic? Destroy the entire PPS? Give them a very stern talking-to? Not to mention I don't think I've seen missions themselves being treated as a Word World before and I'm not sure how to approach that. Not to mention either it's in the same setting as the PPC or not - just how "real" is the PPS to be? I think it could get more convoluted than it's worth.

Again, sorry I'm mentioning this point so late, only just been catching up becauseI got busy with other stuff.

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