Subject: From what I've seen...
Posted on: 2013-11-17 04:39:00 UTC

We agreed on no official affiliation. We aren't on poor terms with them, but we aren't exactly about to be doing crossovers with them, either.
Adding to the no-crossovers-in-the-foreseeable-future factor is the fact that their community is very different from ours; they have fewer members and no public Board, they don't actually spork real badfics, but instead make up archetypal stories to send their characters into, and the in-universe structure is different, with different power structure, different technology(for the most part; there are some bits like plothole generators, SEP Fields, and Canon Cannons that are shared, but those are either fandom-derived or meta-derived, so it's most likely coincidence), and higher acceptable power level for the agents.

There's actually not a lot of overlap in the particulars, just the basic concepts, and the two organizations basically just let one another fight the Sue scourge their own way. I'm not familiar with the details, but this isn't the first time the Society has been brought up on the Board, and a lot of this reply has just been me summarizing the general responses in the past.

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