Subject: I bring additional tidings...
Posted on: 2013-11-17 05:04:00 UTC

Not only has the "PPS" been ripping off the PPC, it's also been ripping off the FCA. I was looking around the PPS wiki that was just linked, and immediately noticed, shall we say, similarities between its pages and some of the pages in the already-full-of-stolen-pages FCA wiki, and after I went back to the main pages of both wikis once a brief search revealed a few ACMSES concepts that the FCA, and consequently the PPS, had also absconded with, I recognized something.

The PPS stole the majority of the main page of the FCA Wiki, itself a plagiarized series, and posted it as their own main page with almost no editing or alteration whatsoever. Not only did they lift numerous articles from the plagiarism-wiki word-for-word, they lifted its main page. At least the FCA had the minuscule amount of dignity necessary to make their own main page. This is just... I'm not sure whether to be confused or appalled by the outright laziness that drove that entire process. I seem to be leaning more on the "appalled" side, so I'll keep out of official cross-site discussion. I'd probably end up more enraged than helpful.

Still, though. Why? So much why?

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